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List of Projects


Henrietta Renovation
Don Gaspar details with Studio Dionisi
Wolfe kitchen
Shady Apple Goats Barn conversion
Woodstock Roadhouse rendering
DeWine Renovation
Fore Residence
HGTV Urban Oasis 2015
Flatte Renovation and Addition
Luz Del Dia models with Studio Dionisi
Albee Residence
Short Street Renovation
Wamboldt Residence
Leonforte Garage
Craggy Park
Daybreak models with Studio Dionisi
Barnard Renovation
Pinkerton Corner Renovation
Butler Mountain Residence
Brotherton Residence
Aiken Residence
Jefferson for Asheville Cottage Initiative
Chicken Hill House
Talley Residence
Fairview Forest 
La Aventura model with Studio Dionisi
Capua Residence
Valle Vista Renovation
Chicken Hill
Presley Knecht Renovation
Girme Residence
McKenzie Renovation
Florida Ave
Booth Residence
Michigan Studio
Riceville Road
Beach Davenport Road
Birthright Residence
Sonnone Residence
Lieb Residence
Mayflower Residence
Pleune Dormers
73 Euclid
Farkas McGinn Renovation
Salas Renovation
Vandalia Review
Beaverdam Knoll Residence
Stapleton Residence
Verhovshek Renovation
Read Smith Renovation and Addition
Eastview Renovation
Hyatt Porch
Hall Residence
Swannanoa Residence
Emory Residence
Buchannon Residence
Wells Residence
Best Porch
Wilds Addition
Cochran Place Renovation
Dunkirk Residence
Brookwood Residence
Brugh Residence
Durham Residence
Blozan Residence
Jordan Residence
34 Unadilla
Hughes Kitchen
Kenilwood Residence
Habitat Re-Imagined Cottages
Lizette’s Cottage
Tree House
Coggins Farm
Robinhood Residence
Parker Residence  
Falkenstein Front Porch
Our State
Wilkenson Renovations
Figura Residence
Birthright Residence
Courtand 2 Residence
Perry Residence
Westover Residence
Cullowhee Residence

Residential  (continued) 

46 Unadilla Residence
Little Forest 
Motley Residence
Jenny Residence
Malter Residence
Capezzali Residence
Frelick Residence
Pearson Street Cottages
Unadilla Residence
Gilbert Residence
Cumberland Residence
Tyburski green roof office
Cumberland colors
Papula Residence
Ora Street Church conversion
Parris Renovation and Addition
Mickey Apartment concepts
Beasley Renovation and Addition
Ardmion Park
Gurney Residence
Culvern Residence
Madison Street Church conversion
WNB Residence
Lantaff Residence
Smyth Residence
Richardson Residence
Springvale Renovation and Addition
Guokas Residence
Kent Garage
Dunkley Renovation and Addition
Ancaya Kitchen
Camp Creek Residence
Davenport #7
Davenport #4
Atwood Residence
Nebraska Residence
Forsythe Residence
Talley Stair
Rumbough Residence
Reardon Residence
Swindle Residence
Greene Residence
Nash Basement
Leischner Residence
Thornton Residence
Courtland Residence
Edgemont 2 Renovation and Addtion
Otahal Addtion
Dragonetti Residence with Studio Dionisi
Tamayo Residence
Garden Studio with Studio Dionisi
Sunrise Residence
Oakview Renovation and Addition
Hosey Residence
Coblentz / Wilson Residence
Harris Residence
Pinkerton Corner Residence
Beck Residence
279 Kimberly renderings
Riverbend with Studio Dionisi
Pearson Residence with Studio Dionisi
Gaskins Residence
Godfrey / Robbins Residence
Waynesville Residence
Knight Addition
Pirtle Residence (HBH)
Paris Mountain Green Development (LEED)
Davenport Green Development (HBH)
Fletcher Studio Addition
Hinton Addition
Wyoming Micro House
Hamilton Residence (HBH)
Meadowview Addition
Grode-Mayfield Residence (HBH)
Olive Residence with Studio Dionisi
Falkenstein Residence with Studio Dionisi
Blue Crow
Green Roof Plans for Living Roofs Inc.
Trotter Residence (HBH)
Sugar Hollow Residence 
Edgemont 1 Renovation
Avon Residence
Traub Residence (HBH)
Parris Renovation
Buckingham Court Kitchen


Black Mountain College Museum at 67 Broadway
Jargon restaurant
The Junction restaurant
The Mothlight at Mr. Fred’s
Lex Ave Condo Layouts
Banks Street restaurant
Craven Trailhead
Brian Boggs Chairmakers code review for Pink Dog
Lyman Street mix use building design
Wells Office renovations
Artspace elevation studies
The Daily Planet code review
Frazier’s Pub code review
JAG office renovation
60 North Market – Uplevel You tenant upfit
Garfield code review  and renovations
West End Bakery code review
60 North Market – flood damage restoration
Integritive Interior Upfit
French Broad Brewery code review
Happy Days code review

Housing Authority of the City of Asheville

Hillcrest Apartments, Gate House, Administration building improvements, Window replacement, Color selections
Deaverview Apartments, Window replacement, Siding and color selection, Screen door replacement
Livingston Apartments, Window replacement, unit modernization
Eastview Apartments, Window replacement, Livingston, Window replacement
Pisgah View Apartments, Window replacement, Siding and colors
Asheville Terrace, Preliminary roof replacement code review, Interior color and carpet selections
Short Street, Color selection
Woodridge, Color selection
Livingston & Gaston Street, ~550 SF cottage designs

Brevard Housing Authority

Cedar Crest Apartments, burned unit replacement and ADA units
Pinecrest, Roof and siding replacement




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